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Mucor miehei

Possible ID: Mucor miehei



Phylum: Zygomycota

Class: Mucoromycotina

Order: Mucorales

Family: Mucoraceae


Isolation and culturing methods:

Isolated from soil taken from outside of the gym. It had recently rained and the soil was hardening but still moist. Sample was not part of the serial dilution but the direct soil sample onto a plate with malt extract agar. Plates were stored at room temperature for a week then hyphae was transferred to a new plate in order to obtain a pure culture.

Culture appearance and growth:

White hymenium growing upwards on the surface. Loosely spread across the surface. Fast growth rate (plate covered in 1 week with sores being produced). Hyphae about 2.2-2.4 microns wide, no septate, no clamp connections.

Spore production:

Zygospores are 3.6-3.8 x 3.5-3.7 and develop on the tops of the hyminium. Spore are not impeded in agar. Appear black to naked eye, little coloration when under the microscope. Fairly round, slight oval shape.

Collector: Regina    Group: Seneca and Regina

Top label : #40

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