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Rhodotorula glutinis

Possible ID: Rhodotorula glutinis



Phylum: Basidiomycota

Class: Pucciniomycota

Order: Sporidiales

Family: Sporidiobolaceae


Isolation and culturing methods:

Isolated from a plate that was left outside for 2 hours in The Grove Park, Lewisburg PA. Sample was put into its own plate and attempted to be put into its own pure culture multiple times over. After the 3rd time the sample had grown in a pure culture. The plates were left to grow for 1 week intervals, after each week the sample had grown greatly.


Culture appearance and growth:

The surface of the culture is glossy and of a pink color, and doesn’t seem to take over the plate but stays near the areas in which it was first placed, but in those places there is considerable growth.


Spore Production:

The spore of the fungus is about 2-8 x 2-10 um and are oval or spherical and have a dark green color to them.


Collector: AJ Paolella                                      Group: Andriana, Tommy, and AJ

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