Possible ID Rhizopadaceae sp.
Phylum zygomycete
Class mucoromycotina
Order mucorales
Family Rhizopodaceae
Isolation and culturing method
Isolated from plate placed under air duct on the third floor of Rooke. Was on a plate with a variety of different fungi. Separated via removing small piece of hyphae and placed on a plate of just agar. Plate was left alone for one week and then a small amount was transferred onto another plate of just agar to form a pure culture.
Culture appearance and growth
Plate covered in white hyphae. Growing off surface of agar. Grows above agar, not in or below. After two weeks the plate was completely covered and the hyphae had grown 3 cm off the surface of the agar. Dark spots started to form on the top layer of hyphae. The black dots are sporangia.
Spore production
The spores are around 8 uM, and mostly circular. They are very dark, almost black and look smooth. The spores are numerous and give the illusion of a black layer on the top of the plate. Thin hyphae, around 3 uM wide. Spores started to form after one week of hyphae covering the plate.
update April 23- No DNA evidence returned from lab, no sequence analysis could be conducted.