Possible ID: Trichothecium
Classification: Dikarya
Phylum: Ascomycota
Class: Sordariomycetes
Order: Hypocreales
Isolation and culturing methods:
Isolated from decompositions of maple leaves after 6 weeks. Sample was placed on malt extract agar + chloramphenicol and allowed to grow for a week. Pure sample was obtained by sectioning a small sample of the growth onto MEA plate.
Culture appearance and growth:
Surface texture appears white and fuzzy above a dark green foundation. Early growth (1wk) shows a distinct white inner ring pattern, surrounded by a lighter green ring. Hyphae measure 4-5um wide, and regularly septate, with no clamp connections present.
Spore production:
Spores measure 2.5-5um x 6-7.5um and has spores that are two cells long (4-5um x 16-17.5 um).

growth wk 1

growth wk 3


ETA: PCR sequencing and BLAST analysis suggests that this species is actually in the genus Cladosporium.