Sample #: 31
Possible ID: Talaromyces sp.
Phylum: Ascomycota
Class: Eurotiomycetes
Order: Eurotiales
Genus: Talaromyces
Location and habitat:
This sample was collected during an air spore drop collection outside of the O’leary geology building. The plates were situated under an overhang next to a mulched flower bed. The spore drop plate was left outside to collect spores for three hours. Spores were collected on 02/26/18.
Isolation and culturing methods:
This sample was isolated from the air spore drop plate it initially grew on and transferred onto a a MEA plate on 03/03/18. After two weeks, a small section of the hyphae was removed for the agar and transferred onto a new MEA plate to get a pure culture.
Description of macroscopic and microscopic characteristics:
Hyphae light orange in color and the surface texture of hypae are dense and fuzzy. Hyphae 3-5 μm wide and are regularly septate, lacking clamp connections. As the culture matures, hyphae are producing a secondary compound that is dark orange in color and has stained the agar dark orange and is producing droplets on the hyphae.
Photos of key characteristics: