Possible ID: Hypomyces completus
Classification: Dikarya
Phylum: Ascomycota
Class: Sordariomycetes
Order: Hypocreales
Family: Hypocreaceae
Isolation and culturing methods:
Isolated from Turtle Creek park fruiting body growing on bark. Fruiting body sample was placed on malt extract agar + chloramphenicol and allowed to grow for a week. Pure sample was obtained by sectioning a small sample of orange growth onto MEA plate.
Culture appearance and growth:
Surface texture appears white and fuzzy above an orange foundation, with circular form. Early growth (1wk) shows small orange liquid droplet secretions. Hyphae measure 3.5-5um wide, and regularly septate, with no clamp connections present. Young hyphae appear clear, while older hyphae harvested from the middle of the culture appear orange.
Spore production:
Spores measure 12-13um x 7-8um. Culture not sporulating.

growth wk 1

old vs. new hyphae

hyphae and spore


fruiting body harvested from
ETA: PCR sequencing and BLAST analysis reveal this species as Epicoccum nigrum.