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Trametes Villosa

Phylum Basidiomycota
Class Agaricomycetes
Order Polyporales
Family Polyporaceae

Isolation and culturing methods:
This fruiting body was collected on April 15th at Dale’s Ridge Trail in Lewisburg, PA. It was collected from a branch that had fallen. It was placed in a paper bag and brought back to the lab to further analyze and identify.

Culture appearance and growth
Many caps are fused together. The cap is not that thick or big. Around 3 cm across. The cap shape varies but takes on a bracket, semicircular shape. It has a hairy / velvety texture. The cap is zonate, alternating between grey and white. It is corky and tough and hard to break. The hymenium is whitest brown. The pores are elongated giving it a tooth-like structure.

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