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Trametes pubescens

Phylum Basidiomycota
Class Agaricomycetes
Order Polyporales
Family Polyporaceae

Isolation and culturing methods:

This fruiting body was collected on April 15th at Dale’s Ridge Trail in Lewisburg, PA. It was collected from a branch that had fallen. It was placed in a paper bag and brought back to the lab to further analyze and identify.


Culture appearance and growth

This mushroom has a semicircular cap. This cap has a velvety texture and has zonate zones ranging from a cream color to a gray color. The texture seems to alternate through zones. The cap feels tough and corky and hard to break or bend. The cap is around 8 cm at its largest diameter. It’s hymenium surface is pore and a yellow to white color. It is growing shelf like.

Collector: Manya         Group: RM2S

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